Thursday, September 30, 2010

Seth's 1st Time Eating Baby Food!!!

We all were so excited about giving Seth his first "real" supper! We had the cameras ready and we were all at the table. Daddy was filming and taking pictures and the girls were cheering Seth on!! We were all thrilled to see what Seth would think about this new taste! As you will see in the pictures Seth was not as excited as we were!!! He was NOT crazy about the green beans at all! It was actually quite funny. He only ate half of the container! We will try them again tonight!! Hope he likes them a little better!!
"Oh my... what did you just put in my mouth?"

"Seriously mom? How could you make me eat this?"
"I can't really take much more!!"
After he would take a bite he had what we were calling "after shocks." He would have the green beans swallowed already but he would shiver and shake his head. The taste must have lingered!!